Monthly Archives: February 2006

Tomato Shard Update

02/11/06 – 4:30 PM – First successful multiplayer session! Ironmagma and I were both online today, though there were some VaultManager issues. Oh well.


Tagged Blog – Owned.

I just went back to the site of the second-best web comic on the internet (before it was closed, that is): It’s now just a blog updated by the ex-author of the comic A Modest Destiny. But the ‘hat’ posts were so powerful that I need to post about them. Read the first ‘hat’ post first, then the follow-up. The first one is the usualy political mumbo-jumbo we get from Squidi (which makes some very strong and good points) (I’m a libral democrat by the way), but the follow-up made me say ‘Oh snap.’ He even posted the idiot’s e-mail address because (to quote Squidi) “While I normally consider email to be private correspondence, Mr. Harter has already expressed his belief that privacy isn’t particularly important.”

The address is and the guy’s name is Joe Harter. He just got owned.


Uru Anniversary

Well, today’s a sad day, and happy as well.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of Uru Live closing. Before I had a chance to play it…

But! Marie Sutherland (of the DRC) has announced that next week something will happen! 😀

Who knows? The ending hasn’t been written yet…

(Here’s my closing monolouge from the wake on Tapestry:
In memory of that great game that was Uru Live, which closed 2 years ago to the day. Although I was never a part of Live, I miss it dearly, and I wish with all my heart that I had felt the call then rather than now. So here’s to the future.
It’s something unprectable,
But in the end it’s right,
I hope you had the time of your life…)


Shard Tomato

Ok well my Uru shard is finally up and running! 😀
The address is, so if you have UU please log on and register, and leave a comment here! 🙂



IE 7 Preview

Microsoft has finally released Internet Explorer 7 beta 2. I must say, it has improved a lot since v6, what with consolidated menus, tab browsing, tab previews, and a kick-@$$ GUI to boot! I’ll update my IE when the official release comes out, but until it’s completely skinnable and extendable, as well as when all the security holes are fixed so it isnt as secure as a slice of swiss cheese, I’ll still be a faithful Firefox user.
