Monthly Archives: June 2005

new theme for the blog

i’ve desided that this should be a blog, not a journal. From now on, I’m gonna post stuff I find on the internet, links i get from my dad, rants, and other stuff like that. 😛



Well, lets see… highlights of today’s classes:
Math: Mr. Jones is now teaching us, because Mr. G is in Europe. (-) He gave us homework and he’s giving us a QUIZ on thursday!!!!
Art: The first art class in like 6 weeks. Wow. (too bad, but made fun because of Jack and Matt…)(+)
Social Studies/English: We had a 20/20 period (I’m not sure why they’re called that, our classes are 50 minutes long…) split with Social Studies and English…It was pretty cool, but I need to find my Beowulf book soon…(-) Can’t wait until Friday!!! (BCD trip!!) More on the reason for the split later…
French: Took the chapter test! (eek) I totally forgot about it, but I think I did well. (+)
Science: Bugged Hannah S. while she was presenting to our group…(hahaha-“Hannah, you’re moving too slowly. We really need to pick up the pace here.”)Then I presented Glaciers. Meh. (+-)
Lunch: Was pretty cool. (+)
Recess: I don’t really remember…. (+-)
Last Period: We played all-grade capture the flag (actually, we played King’s Court, which is four-way capture the flag.), my team (Red) won a game! It was really awesome. The other winner was Blue. (+++)
After: Hung out with Yaz and Matt (don’t worry Yaz, I’ll do what I can!) at Rob’s for a while, then the jocks/jerks (remind me, what’s the difference?) came and we left.(-)
Today’s rating: Good day. (3 more positive events than negative)



I now have a blog. (obviously). I’m bored, so i’m posting here. i’ll get some cool stuff up eventually, but for now I’ll just be ranting every day (for 7 days, to be exact) about my school….>: (
lol ok here’s my forum of the same title:
Myst Otaku!
